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AI is Scouting the Next Generation of Olympians

Plus, find out what 1,000 U.S. customers think about AI

Hey AI Watchers!

Nvidia’s AI reigns supreme, leaving Big Tech scrambling. At the same time, AI is scouting future Olympians, revolutionizing talent discovery. Meanwhile, 1,000 U.S. customers reveal their true feelings about AI.

Let’s dive in!


Top News Ahead

  • Big Tech Can’t Touch Nvidia’s AI Dominance—Here’s Why

  • AI is Scouting the Next Generation of Olympians

  • What 1,000 U.S. Customers Really Think About AI

Big Tech Can’t Touch Nvidia’s AI Dominance—Here’s Why

Overview: Nvidia’s grip on the AI chip market isn’t just due to its powerful hardware—it’s also because of its smart software strategy, known as CUDA. 

The Details

  • Nvidia’s CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) is a game-changer. Introduced in 2007, it lets Nvidia’s Graphics Processing Units (GPUs)—originally designed for video and gaming—tackle complex tasks like AI.

  • Think of CUDA as a translator that makes Nvidia’s GPUs work for everything from encrypting data to running advanced AI models. 

  • Even with rivals like Intel and OpenAI working on alternatives, and startups like Groq developing new chips, Nvidia’s extensive software support keeps it ahead.

  • This makes it hard for competitors to make a dent, and Nvidia is expected to hold on to about 90% of the market share for a few more years.

So What: Nvidia’s clever blend of top-notch hardware and rich software keeps it firmly in control of the AI chip market. While others are catching up, Nvidia’s well-established system ensures it stays in the lead.

AI is Scouting the Next Generation of Olympians

Tomo's father watches as he gets his sprinting potential evaluated

Overview: The 2024 Paris Olympics featured an AI system designed to spot future sports stars, bringing advanced sports science to everyone, even in remote areas.

The Details

  • At the Olympic Stadium in Paris, kids like Tacto and Tomo from Japan enjoy a new AI system. They engage in activities such as running, jumping, and testing grip strength while cameras and sensors track their movements.

  • The data helps the AI assess their strengths by comparing them to those of elite athletes. Intel’s system uses computer vision and historical athlete data to suggest the best sport for each participant.

  • After the tests, the AI offers personalized sport recommendations based on their performance. Intel also ensures privacy by deleting all personal data once the tests are complete.

  • A portable version of this technology, which requires only a basic camera, recently toured Senegal. It evaluated over 1,000 children and identified 48 with significant potential.

So What: This AI technology is transforming talent discovery, making it possible to find and nurture future sports champions anywhere.

Create Faceless YouTube Channels with AI

Start by selecting 3D avatars with realistic expressions and movements from a platform like Rendora. Choose appropriate 3D environments for your video’s theme, such as marketing or training settings. Use the AI 3D camera feature to generate professional-quality shots and angles without needing advanced filming skills. This approach simplifies the video creation process, allowing you to produce high-quality content efficiently.

What 1,000 U.S. Customers Really Think About AI

Overview: AI is reshaping customer service, but feedback from over 1,000 U.S. consumers reveals mixed feelings about its effectiveness. 

The Details

  • Sixty-two percent of U.S. consumers believe AI will become the main customer service tool in the future, but today’s experiences are uneven. Thirty-eight percent expect AI to make interactions more personalized, leveraging customer data to enhance services.

  • However, only 32% have successfully resolved issues using AI or ChatGPT. This gap suggests many customers still prefer speaking with a human.

  • A significant 56% are wary of AI, citing distrust or fear from negative past experiences. Additionally, 63% find self-service AI options frustrating, often leading them to seek human help anyway.

  • This frustration highlights a broader issue: 70% of customers still prefer talking to live agents because they offer a more predictable and satisfactory experience.

So What: AI has great potential but needs significant improvements to meet customer expectations and gain trust. Businesses must enhance AI reliability and consistency to truly transform customer service.

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Humans and AI

AI Olympics? 🤖🤖🤖

Google’s DeepMind has created a table tennis-playing robot that performs at an amateur human level. The robot won 13 out of 29 matches against human players of varying skills.

Trained to handle different shots and adapt to opponents, it represents a key advancement in robot learning. While it struggles with fast shots, the project highlights progress in AI for complex tasks.

The study delves into further improvements and applications for robots in physical tasks.

The Best Data Analyst in History

Do you know any data analysts who can instantly read hundreds of spreadsheet lines, review complex charts and graphs, and interact with your specific questions?

Found one 👇

AI Stock Watch

This AI Stock is a Good Buy on Weakness

Vertiv Holdings supplies key equipment for data centers, such as power and cooling systems. As data centers expand quickly thanks to AI, Vertiv has experienced a significant boost in orders and profits.

CEO Giordano Albertazzi highlights the company's strong position to leverage the AI surge. Given its impressive growth and strategic focus on AI, Vertiv’s stock is a promising investment, especially if it becomes available at a lower price.

Stock price: 72.94 USD as of writing

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