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  • Universal Basic Income Won't Stop AI Job Loss

Universal Basic Income Won't Stop AI Job Loss

1,000 people got $1,000/month free for 3 years to test

Image Source | Salvina Khan, LinkedIn

Hey AI Watchers!

Zuckerberg’s Llama AI is set to challenge OpenAI and Google, sparking a major tech showdown. Meanwhile, basic income won't stop AI from taking jobs, and 77% of workers say AI is making their jobs harder and slower.

Plus, check out who carried the Olympic torch through Paris!


What's Ahead?

Zuckerberg’s Llama AI Set to Take Down OpenAI, Google

Mark Zuckerberg | Photographer: Jason Henry/Bloomberg

Overview: Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg unveils Llama 3.1, a powerful AI model set to rival top competitors like OpenAI and Google, emphasizing his bold open-source strategy and major investments in AI.

The Details

  • Meta Platforms Inc. has launched Llama 3.1, an AI model trained over several months with hundreds of millions of dollars in computing power. One standout feature, "Imagine Yourself," lets users upload a photo of their face and see themselves in different scenes.

  • Meta uses Llama to power its AI chatbot, Meta AI, available in apps like Instagram and WhatsApp, and expects it to be the most widely used chatbot by year-end. This technology will be open to the public.

  • Critics worry about open-source AI misuse, especially by rivals like China. However, Zuckerberg insists that an open, decentralized approach is vital for continued US innovation and leadership.

So What: Meta's Llama 3.1 advances AI technology, fosters innovation, and aims to keep Meta as a leader in AI, despite significant investment and potential misuse concerns.

Basic Income Won’t Stop AI from Taking Jobs

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman | Getty Images

Overview: A new study backed by OpenAI CEO Sam Altman shows that while basic income helps with daily expenses, it’s not a fix for bigger issues like job losses from AI advancements.

The Details

  • From November 2020 to October 2023, OpenResearch gave $1,000 a month to 1,000 people in low-income households and $50 a month to another group.

  • The results revealed that this extra money helped cover basics like rent and groceries, but it didn’t improve job prospects or lead to more education. Although some people showed interest in starting businesses, this didn’t lead to real success.

  • The money made a small positive difference in mental health at first but didn’t affect physical health much. Many recipients used the payments to take breaks from work, but this didn’t solve deeper issues like poor healthcare access.

So What: This study shows that basic income can help people manage immediate needs but isn’t enough to tackle the larger problems of job displacement and systemic poverty, especially with AI changing the job landscape. 

Featured AI Tools

Pitch: Create pitch decks and presentations using AI.

Tldv: Recording, transcription, and insights from meetings with AI.

Looka: AI-powered platform for logo design and branding.

77% Say AI Makes Work Harder and Slows Us Down, Study Finds

Overview: AI is supposed to make work easier, but a new global study shows it’s actually increasing burdens and stress for many workers.

The Details

  • A recent study involving 2,500 executives, employees, and freelancers reveals a troubling trend. Despite 96% of executives believing AI would enhance productivity, 77% of employees report that AI has increased their workload rather than alleviating it.

  • Workers are struggling with added demands and feel overwhelmed by AI’s role in their jobs. This increase in workload is causing higher stress and burnout levels. On the other hand, freelancers are thriving with AI, showing better job satisfaction and productivity, and helping businesses improve in areas like innovation and efficiency.

  • Current AI integration strategies are falling short and suggest a need for a major rethink in how businesses implement and use AI, including more investment in effective AI strategies and better support for employees.

So What: To truly benefit from AI, companies must reassess their strategies and ensure that AI integration supports rather than burdens their employees. 

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Humans and AI

Now this is awesome.

Kevin Piette, a French paralympian who lost the use of his legs at age 11, has made history by walking with a robotic exoskeleton while carrying the Olympic torch through Paris.

The latest exoskeleton by Wandercraft supports walking, standing, and climbing stairs. Piette, who now works as a para-athlete and exoskeleton tester, inspires with his journey and demonstrates significant advancements in assistive technology.

Here's What to Expect with Meta in the AI Race

Now that Meta has rolled out Llama 3.1, AI technology is advancing with better accuracy and new features.

This update makes AI more accessible and useful than ever.

Let me walk you through this exciting development.

Watch here 👇

AI Stock Watch

Top Artificial Intelligence Stock Ready for a Bull Run

Broadcom (AVGO), known for its semiconductors and networking hardware, plays a crucial role in AI by providing the components for massive data transfers in data centers.

AI revenue is growing, but Broadcom isn't solely reliant on it, which offers stability if the AI market faces a downturn.

Stock price: 157.45 USD as of writing

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